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Let us help you update your Facebook, Twitter, Instagram page all the time. If you keep us updated we will do the same. How we bill you for managing is .. you will get a email when its its time for every payment. And if you don't pay we will not manage it until you pay your payment, there will also be a $5 late fee added to your additional payment every month its not paid.  Also when you want us to manage  any of your social media you will need to sign a contract, Please email us for questions.  

Management Fee Cost Only $40 per month

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Starting in February Management Fee will no longer be 40 a month but it will be $51 a month,

sorry for the inconvenience. To get the permanent price  because if in the future we decide to change prices it won't effect you, In February let me know so we can lock your forever price in but you have to agree before February 2019 is over.  

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